
I’ve always been an athlete so exercise is like second nature to me.  In the last 10 years I’ve been called a swimmer, runner, rider, and all around sporty.  This blog will attempt to provide my readers/friends with some insight on my workouts/spin classes/music selections and general health.  I am not a certified trainer (yet) nor a doctor so any one thing you attempt is at your own doing…..but hopefully you enjoy doing it!

Broad Street Run – Philadelphia – 2011

That’s me…..right there.  See me?!  🙂  You’d never guess how old I am…but many of my friends would gladly tell you if you asked, haha!  I’m a PA born and grown chick who’s experienced living in Michigan and Florida but can’t seem to tear herself away from the ‘burbs of Philadelphia.  I’ve always had a passion for fitness and health….at times it went to extremes.  In college I developed an eating disorder, Anorexia/Orthorexia, but have since recovered (and am always in recovery – as anyone with an ED will tell you) and strive to eat healthy, workout to keep my body and mind strong, and above all be kind to others!

Dolled up for a friends wedding (July 13, 2013) Can you tell I like pink??

Dolled up for a friends wedding (July 13, 2013)
Can you tell I like pink??

My motto in life is: Work Hard, Play Hard.  And I tend to think I do just that 🙂

I hope you enjoy reading about my workouts/runs/swims/rides/playlists!

  1. Seeph says:

    Hey – thanks for stopping by my little blog and liking my latest post. Your blog is great, your exercise regime is a lot more varied than mine. Now following, looking forward to reading more.

  2. CultFit says:

    I can’t begin to thank you enough for stopping over and following my humble blog-o-thing! I wish you the very best, be inspired and please take care.

  3. taozirae says:

    Great site, great energy, and great you! Look forward to following your honesty and “fit-ness”… and I love the playlist you just posted 😉 Would it work for a yoga class? hmmm…. Cheers 😉

  4. doug cohen says:

    Katie Fitz – It’s me, Doug – the guy who played a million soccer games with your dad as the coach. Anyway I stubbled into your blog. Good stuff. I’m always on a quest to find the best workout songs of all time (especially for running) and thought I saw a list on you blog – but sadly now I don’t see it. Would like to see what you groove to while running or spinning. Thx. – Doug

  5. Congrats on your blog. I just published a book on my experiences with an eating disorder (sounds similar to your anorexia/orthorexia). Definitely share the interest in fitness/health. Have a good day! ~Laura http://www.laurasusanneyochelson.com

    • k8efitz says:

      Thanks! I have been in recovery for about 11 years now. Hard to believe it was that long ago. I am very interested in reading your book! Looking forward to reading your blog as well 🙂

      • Thanks so much! I really hope you’ll check out the book 🙂 Let me know if you have any questions!! I look forward to reading more from your blog. ~Laura

  6. Work Hard, Play Hard…love it! 🙂

  7. cyril says:

    Hello you have a great blog here..keep spread the beauty of health to the world.

  8. Go Pre! says:

    You are Pre’s People!

  9. Hey Katie –

    We love your blog! It’s right up our alley…

    We wanted to send you a free membership to our site, IndoorCyclingHQ.com if you’re interested. If so, send us an email at IndoorCyclingHQ@gmail.com and we’ll reply with a link to sign up…

    Keep up the great work on your blog!

    Adam & Laura

  10. Hey there Katie! You started following my blog so I wanted to check out your blog and say, “Hi!” All I can say is that I wish I was as fit as you are girl!! I’m not out of shape or anything, but I’d like to improve my fitness level. Typically the only exercise I get each day is an hour walk with my dog. I’ve been working on adding a three day a week weight routine into the mix, but it’s not become habit yet. I also want to do more cardio. Maybe your blog will get me more energized about exercising. Great blog! Celeste 🙂

    • k8efitz says:

      Thanks so much! I’ve wanted to go Vegan for awhile but it’s difficult with my training schedule – but I like your recipes! Happy reading 🙂

      • Yea, cooking vegan takes a bit more time. I’m used to it now, and I feel so much better eating this way that I’ll never go back to how I ate before. I recently read Rich Roll’s book, “Finding Ultra”. I don’t know if you’ve read it, but you might be interested in it. Roll’s vegan and, and he believes that it’s one of the reasons he’s so successful as an athlete. Hope you’re having a wonderful week!! Celeste 🙂

      • k8efitz says:

        Cool! I will have to check it out – I’d love to be able to go full vegan!

  11. I look forward to reading about your journey Katie! Awesome blog!

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